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Basic To-Do Application

A REST based Spring to-do application with basic functionalities - create item, delete item, update item, find item by ID and retrieve all items. Uses MySQL database connection and Postman for verifying the requests. Includes unit and integration tests for every functionality. Testing is done using the in-memory database H2. Contains user interface created by ReactJS.

Application Structure


Contains the general model, controller, service and repository folders under the package com.practice.todo.


Contains integration and unit test folders under the package com.practice.todo. The unit folder further contains folders for testing controller, service and repository functionalities respectively.


Contains code for ReactJs based user interface. Refer to file inside this folder for further instructions.

MySQL Database Connection Setup

The database name, username and password can be changed in the todo/src/main/resources/ file based on preference.

H2 Connection Setup

Configuration details are present in the todo/src/test/resources/ file and can be changed based on preference.

Postman for Verifying the Connection

Uses Postman to perform GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests, and checks if the changes are reflected in the database respectively. Check by logging in as the user and by using the database specified during the MySQL connection setup while performing the requests through Postman.

Running The Application

The application should open in the default browser.

Web Application GIF